Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Unforgivable Neglect
For anyone that feels overly neglected ( I can´t really think of a single sole) here are the two most important things to know:
- Madrid has become my home in more ways than any other ¨temporary¨place has before. It has gotten to the point that nothing about it even seems temporary. When i´ve gone to Sydney or D.C. I will find myself doing certain things or not doing certain things because i know its home for only a short time, but I feel like I have truly embraced madrid in one big hug and call it home.
- I miss home often, and when I say miss its more like nostalgia. I miss driving, going to drive throughs, listening to the radio during my commute, being able to go shopping and find exactly what i want, laying on the couch with Maggie and asking rick to get my things from the kitchen, going into a pharmacy and know that I am being understood and that I am understanding. However, finding Taco Bell in Madrid has made the nostalagia a little bit better :)
- I am completely head over heals with Mr. Gonzalo. I will spare my readers the details but absolutely head over heals, thats for sure.
When writing blogs I had previously attempted to chronicle my day-to-day activities and I think that is why I stopped writing. It was very little reflection and just summarizing what I had already done. Its just not an overall enjoyable writig experience, so I´m going to try to change things up a bit. Not exactly sure how, but you will see.
Current Events: This past weekend me, gonzalo, and Fran woke up at 6 a.m. (actually Fran didn´t even go to bed) to go skiing/snowboarding. We got all the way up there and the station ended up being closed dur to wind. Me and Gonzalo are going back in 2 weeks but I wouldn´t consider it a full loss because A: I got to see snow, which is something I have missed ( I would have never thought I would say I miss seeing snow) B: I actually going to play in the snow C: Gonzalo took me to Taco Bell on our way home!!! This weekend me and gonzalo are going to Leon! I haven´t been to the north of Spain yet so that will be something new, plus I love taking road trips out of madrid. I feel landlocked/trapped sometimes since I just can´t get in a car and drive drive drive.....so its nice to feel that feeling of escape!
Dinnercambios! So in addition to making a great group of friends, every thursday we do these¨"dinnercambios" where all of us (last week it was around 20 people) go and have dinner at a different restraunt once a week. Its pure genius and makes the week seem to go by soo much faster!
I´m also planning an epic adventure this july with Megan and Julie! I decided instead of making a bunch of small weekend trips to save my money and travel the entire month of july. (oh the glory of being young!) So the itenerary currently includeds (Florence, Venice, Rome, Athens, Delphi, Meteora, Santorini, Berlin, and Prague!) Epic at its finest!
In other news, March is the month of vistors! Sarah is coming March 9th, Sarah Arntz and Katie are stopping by on their way back from Thailand, and then my parents are coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(i´m sensing my posts from now on are just going to be completely unfocused and slightly schizophrenic because i´m just writing what i´m thinking about ...but thats the purpose of a blog right?)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
"Donde esta Abuela?"
January in Review:
For various reasons I haven't blogged at all in January---yikes!! January has been eventful, eye opening, personally challenging, a few new beginnings, and complete with a few bitter goodbyes but welcoming hello's. Here is just a brief overview:
Christmas Eve:So as I have mentioned several times, this year I spent the holidays with Ana and her family, and I am so glad I went! Yes, I was feeling pretty homesick around the holidays and the last thing I wanted to do was actually acknowledge the Holidays, BUT..celebrating with Ana's family made me feel like I was part of a family here and I am beyond grateful to her and her family for opening their home to me, Alissa, and Natalie. After dinner we walked to their church and sang hymns in Spanish and of course took pictures with the Belen. I even kissed baby Jesus for good luck!
New Years Eve: I brought 2010 in in Sol with Natalie and Alissa. I thought I was soo prepared for my first New Years Eve in Madrid. I had my beverage of choice, my 12 grapes...I was ready! However, when we get to Sol they make us pour our drinks in these cups that are a little bigger than Solo cups. So we pour our drinks in there and then head into the frenzy of people and of course have our drinks spilled all over ourselves within 10 minutes. I honestly think the drinks were more trouble than they were worth. Next time, drink at home. On a better note, new years was really pretty. Full of fireworks, music, smiles. Really good time. I was a little hesitatant about going out to a club afterwards because everyone kept warning us that cover would AT LEAST be 20 euro. Everybody else was game but I was just not excited about paying 20 euros for a place that I could go anyother weekend for free. So we wondered around with these random Columbian guys (don't ask) and we actually found this really cool club called La Lupe and the cover was only 8 euro!! WITH A DRINK!!!!! The music was actually really good, a mix of pop, hip hop, reggateton. It was probably the most dancing I have done in a club since being in Madrid. I'm definately keeping La Lupe on my list of clubs to go again.
Cabalgata de los Reyes: So the night that the three kings come into town with presents there are Cabalgata's held all over Spain. Despite the laughs that I would be surrounded by 5 years olds, I went to the Calbagata in Madrid with Ana, Antonio, and Ana's friend (I forget her name--oops!) I mean yes, it was kinda cheesy and childish, but at least I can see I experienced a Calbalgata....and I got a ton of candy. Here they actually still throw the candy or "carmelos" so I was reaching up, screaming, pushing, all of it! The funny thing is that Ana and her sister were putting the candy in their bags to take home and they expected me to put my candy in there as well, But instead I ate almost every piece I grabbed right away. They kept looking at me like "Cmon" but they were MY carmelos! So after the Cabalgata we went and Calamari sandwiches and a beer. I was actually impressed I liked the Calamari sandwiches, but I would def. have one again. So after we ate Gonzalo met up with us and we went to O'Neills and chatted and such. Then Ana and Antonio went home and me Gonzalo went to this Polynesian themed cocktail bar to meet up with his friend and got these drinks that had huge straws and a surpringly high amount of liquor in them.
Spanish class: I have officially started taking spanish classes. I'm actually suppose to go 5 days a week but I can only go three times a week because of my private lessons in Aluche. I have finished my first month and I was wanting to take them for 2 months. I know that my understanding of spanish grammer has improved and for the first time ever I actually understand why tenses are used when, but I don't think my speaking has improved which honestly, I accept full blame. We learn from our mistakes, but I just hate sounding foolish and taking forever to say the most simple phrases, so I just don't say anything, and never improve. SIGH
New schedule at work: Unforutantely, I am not with the little ones at school anymore :/ Our billingual cordinator thinks that each auxilliarie should be with each grade so every tri-mester we change schedules and kids. Now I am with third and fourth graders, and missing my first and second graders daily. I am slowly getting use to my new kids, but things just aren't the same.
(FYI: This blog was sitting as a draft for the entire month of january and february. I told myself I would get online and finish it and i just never did. Now that I am looking over it I don´t even remember what I was going to write, so this is an unfinished blog but I felt I should still publish it)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
"I have a brilliant idea...chino store...I need super glue...i´m going to fix my shoes!" "Alissa, thats the worst idea I have ever heard!"
My Andalucia adventure!
So since I didn´t go home for the holidays, me, Alissa, and Natalie decided to do Andalucia...great idea! Our itenery included Cordoba (2.5 stars), Sevilla (4 stars), and Granada (3 stars). While I would have preferred doing it in the summer, Natalie did it in the summer before and she said the heat made it absolutely miserable and she much rather preferred this time of year. I trust her judgement....
First Stop: Cordoba- so we get to Cordoba on Christmas night and the town was dead! I am still convinced that nobody actually lives in Cordoba, but the desertion was completely understandable Christmas night. So we get there, its raining, its cold, its raining, oh and did I mention...it was raining. It was the first night of vacation and the hostel was pretty deserted as well, and Natalie and Alissa wanted to wander around and see the town, so I decided to tag along purely to avoid being alone in a hostel. Considering it was pouring like piss out of boot, I would have much rather used the free internet, and in retrospect I probably would have enjoyed myself more, but no more complaining...So we wondered around the city for a bit and then came back to the hostel and me and natalie ate dinner with the 3 other people staying there. Chicken and pototes...it was absolutely delicious! I ended up talking with these two Muslim girls about the misadventures of traveling for about an hour, and then headed to bed. We woke up the next morning at 6:3o a.m. (I am still more than baffaled about the reasoning) had some coffee, and then went to the Cathedral, which is the main reason that people visit Cordoba. A little history about the Cathedral, in about the 6th century a basilica was built in Cordoba. In around 785 when the Moors took over Cordoba and most of Andalucia, they tore down the basilica and built an absolutely gorgeous mosque. Then in 1236 Spain re-conquered Cordoba and instead of completely destroying the Mosque, they decided to just convert it into a Catholic Cathedral. So all through the Mosque you still see absolutely stunning Islamic architecture, and then it looks like they just threw a random cross on the wall. Now don´t get me wrong, there are parts that do look like a beautiful Cathedral because they actually took the time to build a Cathedral, but there are other parts where just a cross or a painting has been thrown on the wall and therefore, it is a Cathedral. It´s kinda funny if you ask me. After the Cathedral we just wondered around for awhile, went back to the hostel and took a nap, and then headed to Sevilla!
Granada: So I haven't been addressing the excessive amount of rain that Andalucia was getting during our trip, but know that there were days that were just miserable. En route to Granada from Sevilla we took the train which would take 5 hours. About an hour into the train theconductor comes over the speaker and starts talking. I didn't catch everything, just that he was sorry. So I ask Natalie, Natalie asks this other guy, and I couldn't believe what I heard.....the tracks had been washed out/covered due to all the rain, and as a result.....EVERYONE had to get off the train in BFE, take a bus to another BFE location, and get on another train about an hour away from where we currently were. It was one of the situations that is like WTF, but at the same time it all goes over which such ease because there was absolutely NOTHING anyone could do about it. So after a not-so-short detour, we FINALLY get to Granada, start walking towards our hostel, and it was in a really unique/eclectic area. After staying in that neighborhood for a couple nights, I could probably say I've been to Morocco because it was lined with Moroccan shops, Moroccan food, Morocco, Morocco, Morocco. The hostel was also really cool too, very homey actually. So the first night we were there we just wondered around the little street shops, walked through the main streets of Granada, and bought some boots in hopes of keeping the rain out of our shoes.
Random thought: At what age are you too old to stay in hostels? On this trip I stayed in hostels with probably 5 people that were at least over the age of 50. At what age do you stop "roughing" it and actually stay at hotels? I don't see myself staying in hostels past the age of probably 26-28.... I mean yes they are cheap, but they are inconvenient, uncomfortable, usually fairly dirty, just not the best...but they are cheap! I talked to two of the older people in my hostel in Granada and they both said they were traveling now in the 50's because they didn't travel when they were younger...so to all those people that haven't taken the time to travel, experience life outside of their bubbles....you will regret it, so do it now!!! OOORRR wait until your 50, your choice!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
"let me see that tootsie roll!"
Monday, December 14, 2009
"Megan, where are you? Russia? There are flowers growing!"
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Bonjour from Paris!!!
Well as the title suggests, i am writing this blog from Paris!!! Who would have ever thought little Nikki would be living in Europe and making weekend trips to Paris, not me for sure! While I am in Paris now, I have much much more to blog about...so let the distant memories start flooding into my head....NOW!
Wednesday, November 25th
So two weeks ago Gonzalo decided he wanted to take some vacation time, not to go anywhere, just to have some time off work. So since he wasn't working crazy hours, we were able to actually see eachother during the week which was really nice. As some of you may know I legally only work 16 hours a week (believe me, i work much more than that), so my work schedule for the school only has me work 2 hours in the morning on Wednesday so I am done working at 11:30 in the morning. Well Gonzalo knows what a history/political geek I am and decided he was going to take me valle de los caidos, which is where Franco's tomb is. So he came and picked me at the school, in hand with a packed lunch complete with a Gonzalo special sandwich, tangerines, and a diet coke (all of my favorites!) Talk about a sweety!! So we first met up with his sister and had coffee, and then went on to see Franco's tomb but....bad news bears....it was closed for maintence! We even checked the website and there was no mention of it being closed, so we didn't actually get to go inside the tomb but it was a stunning view! I was more than happy just being out of the city. I would never consider myself a "rural" person, but i do find some enjoyment getting out of the city and being surrounded by natural beauty. So not only were the views amazing, but the tomb is absolutely huge and the walls were filled with propoganda, per usual.
So since the tomb was closed, we went over to the montesary which was everything but a dissapoint. While neither me nor Gonzalo are religious, we still really liked it. While I may not agree with these huge churches, and the messages they are flaunting, i can still appreciate the sacrifice that have been made for these churches to be built, the architecture, the art, and the faith that so many people have complete trust in and/or have lost their lives for their religious beliefs. The history geek in me always reverts to the Crusades when i go in these churches. Not necessarily in the sense of "these horrible people killed lots of believe to spread their religion", but instead I always wonder, what is so powerful in these churches, in these words, in these beliefs that make people willing to go above and beyond to ensure the longevity of their religion.....
Thursday, November 26th: "I had to slap the bitch, but she said okay"
So while all my American counterparts in the States were celebrating Thanksgiving, I was jetsetting to Barcelona with Alissa, Natalie, Jasmine, Luis, and Jared. I did get a small part of thanksgiving because I skyped into my kitchen at home and watched my mom cook, listened to rick complain, just like i was at home. It's things like that, that make missing holidays bareable. I'm not exactly sure how I am going to take Christmas, but lets not talk about that right now...
Soo overall, Barcelona is a good city but I was really shocked by the amount of english I heard. It was my first time out of Madrid since September and i've been living in a city where very few people understand me if i'm speaking english and me and my friends can fairly freely say whatever is on our mind with little chance of anyone completely understanding...at best they would get the jist. So we get to Barcelona and it is FULL of english speaking tourists..full of it! I remember me and Alissa were walking down the street and I heard American english behind me and I turned around thinking I would know the person, but I didn't and it was really a strange feeling. Not that I know every single person in Madrid that speaks english, but usually when I hear someone talking around me in english, i know them becasue we are together. Its just a strange feeling that I don't think i'm describing accurately....
As for the siteseeing, we did this double decker bus that took you all around the city. While it was overly touristy, it is really the only way you could see the entire city and know what things are in 2 days. Especially since none of us really did any research on what there was to do in Barcelona....So the bus took us to all of the major Gaudi places like La Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, and a couple other places. While I think his buildings are ...unique, I really wonder if we get the word gaudy from his pieces, because that is how his name is pronounced, and gaudy could definately describe it. It also took us by where the Olympics were, which happens to be by this mountain called Montjuic, which was historically a jewish burial ground and can be translated as the montain of jews.... i'm not going to offer my commentary on that, i still need to think it over a little bit more...... I think my favorite part was going to the Royal Palace. It was gorgeous, gothic looking, and just amazing. It is also really close to the Christopher Columbus monument so my imagination took me away and I was thinking about Columbus going to the Palace asking Spain to sponsor his voyage to the Americas......and my geekiness has genuinely just shown through to a new level!I totally understand though why people are so taken by Barcelona because the ports are beautiful, it is a mix of Spanish and French architecture, and you could get by in Barcelona without knowing a word of Spanish, but my heart is still in Madrid...
My Week, November 30-December 3 "Oye, no pelotas!"
So after a fun packed yet exhausting weekend in Barcelona, I muster up enough energy to go to work and my private lesson on Monday. I hadn't seen Gonzalo all weekend so he picked me up from my private lesson, with umbrella in hand (that will be a blog at a later point, I just wanted to mention it here for my own memories). So I get home and Maria Luisa, one of the teachers I work with, calls me and asks me if I could teach the class solo because her mom had a stroke down in the southern part of Spain and was leaving immediately. Even though our contracts say we are not to be left alone with the kids, it happens all the time. To say I was intimidated would be an understatement. I only speak english, they only speak spanish, joder! So I went in with coffee in hand, and it went wonderfully!! I think the other teachers really respected me after that because they realized that i'm not just this walking translator, and that I can actually handle things myself. And while I wouldn't have thought this before, I think i actually prefer being solo because I was able to do things at my own pace, focus more on what I wanted to focus on, and in the end I earned more respect from the kids and the other teachers because they saw that Daniella plays no games!
I think the funniest part of my work week though was when I came in to class and the kids realized that Maria Luisa wasn't just late, that she offically wasn't coming. So one of my favorites raised her hand and asked where Maria Luisa, and I said in english, that her mom was sick and Maria Luisa wasn't going to be here for the next few days. They looked at me overly confused so I repeated "her mom...is sick" and I coughed like I was sick. And a kid yelled "esta muerto?" (is she dead?) I said nooooooo, her mom (the class translator says "su madre" and i shake my head) is sick, and I cough again...another kids yells out "gripe A?!?!" (Swine flu?!?!) NOOOO........finally a kid says "enferma" and I shook my head and moved on to the next subject...
Weekend in Paris, December 3-7 "Danielle, you have the attention span of an insect!" "why is the toilet in the hall closet? and where is the rest of your bathroom?"
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I think I have gained 5lbs after the past 2 weekends
November 13-15 (Taco Bell and Burger King)
So I was talking to Gonzalo one night and I was telling him that the first thing I wanted after landing in Chicago from Australia was Taco Bell. I even had my mom go out of the way in search out a Taco Bell, slightly ridiculous I know . It’s not like its even great food, and I can’t even really describe or justify the craving. I think they put drugs in the food to be honest because there is no real logical reason that of all food to crave, I crave Taco Bell when I move abroad. So anyways, I was telling Gonzalo all this and the GENIUS that he is did some research and found that there are like 3 in Spain, and all are in Madrid! So on Friday he called me after my private lesson and said he was taking me and Alissa to Taco Bell!!! Pretty amazing if you ask me. So we drive up to Barrio de Pilar and the Taco Bell was decorated/designed the exact same way as all the new ones they are building in the states. While the menu is a little different, they had all the classics and “Taco Bell musts”. While I am not sure if Gonzalo particularly liked it, he tried it (it was his first Taco Bell!) Yay for a Chicken Burrito from Taco Bell in Madrid!
November 20-22 (Doner Kebab, Take a Wok, ½ of a Falafeel, Doner Kebab, and a midnight pastry that was a ½ off)
So now that I have picked up 5 private lessons (I wouldn’t suggest any more than 5 for other auxilliaries) I am working about the same amount as I would be in the states. So when the weekend comes around I just want to sleep and relax. Lazy-yes, boring-yes, necessary-yes. But this weekend I thought I would make a real attempt at going out despite an overwhelming desire to just sleep and watch movies. So Thursday me and Alissa met up with Jasmine and Bethany and we were SUPPOSED to meet up with Megan, Rocio, Tom, and Lonely Boy at El Tigre. So we go to El Tigre and the line is ridiculous. People are eating their tapas over trashcans out in the street. Even if we wanted to join in on this, it was impossible to even get to the door, and don’t even attempt to get inside. We tried to get in touch with the rest of the group but that was met with extreme difficulty So we switched to Plan B…but we didn’t have a Plan B. So we walked around for what felt like an eternity but was really only about an hour. This is one of the problems of not being a “local”. We really only know the “touristy” areas but unfortunately everyone else knows those same areas, so they are impossible to go into. And then when we try just a random place the people look at us like “why are you here? We ensured this wasn’t in a travel book”. So after an hour of wandering, no food, no drinks, nada, Alissa starts talking about a kebab. BRILLIANT. What other way to drown your sorrows on a failed night than a kebab. So then we at least had a mission in meandering. So we saw this little sign that said Kebab, we went in, it was AMAZING, and my night was complete J
On Saturday, Alissa, Natalie, and I met up with two of the girls that they work with at a private academy, I can only remember one of their names-Carmen. So we went to this place that Alissa had gone to with a random person and she couldn’t stop talking about how amazing it was. (WARNING—WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ MAY MAKE YOU QUESTION MY JUDGEMENT AND HOW SAFE IT WAS, BUT I FELT SAFE THE ENTIRE TIME AND HAD A REALLY GOOD TIME, SO NO HEART ATTACKS PLEASE.) So this “place” was in Malesana, which is a neighborhood in Madrid. The actual place is called the Patio of Malesana, or something to that effect, and it is an abandoned building that a bunch of hippies have kind of taken over and have made it in to a type of community center, but its not technically their building. It’s controlled anarchy at its best. It is a community center in all aspects of the word because they give classes, have computers, entertainment, BUT they also serve drinks and allow massive amounts of pot smoking. So at first we just took it all in (I’m not even going to attempt to describe the really cool “graffiti” that was on the walls but know that they were all making a statement…my favorite one was a cow that had a world map on his side and he was drinking from a canister than had TOXIC posted on the side and all of his utters but one were being pumped into containers that had LETHAL written on this side, and then just one utter was going into “organic” bottles. Take what you want from it, but I loved it) So we got a drink, were chatting, and then I start hearing music. Reggae music, reggaeton music, hip hop music. I just couldn’t control my hips, I had to dance! So we go out of the room where they served alcohol and its like an open air concert. I’m going to try to describe this building, so bare with me.
So imagine apartment buildings that open up only to each other with a courtyard in the middle. That is what this place was like. So of course, it was open air. We were like on the 2nd floor, so we looked down and it’s packed with people just dancing, a Jamaiacan guy rapping, people are just loving everything! I wish I could have just bottled up that feeling. Think Woodstock and that is how I felt. While I couldn’t tolerate the massive amounts of marijuana smoke on a weekly basis, I would definitely go back.
Either we had the munchies from all the pot or we were just hungry, but we starting having a craving for a Kebab again! So we left the Patio, found a really cheap Kebab place, and then me and Alissa had plans to stay out, but decided to just go ahead and head home. So we get off the metro at our neighborhood and we hear laughing coming from this pastry place. We had just talked about how we had been eating massive amounts of crap. So we just look at each other, and start laughing. Why not?!?! So we go inside and its like heaven! They are all handmade pastries and 50% off after midnight!! We couldn’t possibly resist…it would have been a crime! So I ended the night with a full tummy and a fulfilled desire to hear some reggae music…only to be awaken at 4 AM by my roommate bringing home drunk Spanish guys practically yelling in my front room acting like the only English they know is “foreplay”, but that blog will be fore another day.
On Sunday Gonzalo borrowed a bike from his uncle and took me biking!! I don’t know if because it offered a sense of “normalcy” to my life in Madrid or because it reminded me of home, or because it was just the feeling of being outside—but I loved it! Pretty sweet guy, huh! To top it off, he made me a Gonzalo special sandwich after...what more could a girl ask for?
Cultural Note 1: Window shopping is an actual event here. I love going past stores and women are just staring at the window displays.
Possible Cultural Note 2: Either I have just been around some dirty people, or picking your nose isn’t as bad here. I don’t know how many times I have seen people knuckle deep in their nose and show no concern about the appearance of having half their finger in their nose.
School note: We were learning clothes in school the other day and we taught the kids underwear. So we were saying “stand up if you’re wearing a sweater.” “Stand up if you’re wearing a t-shirt.” Then the teacher said “Stand up if you are wearing underwear…..everybody should be standing up!” All the kids started laughing and stood up and the girl that knows the most English in the class shouts “profe, profe…no tengo!” We just looked at eachother and moved on to the next topic hahahaa
Tomorrow (Wednesday) Gonzalo is picking me up from school and we are going to Valle do los Caidos—its where Franco is buried as well as the soldiers from both sides of the Spanish Civil War…the history and political science major inside of me is pretty excited about it to say the least!